news from toastmasters international

Laptop, tablet, and smartphone with what's new on screens

News from Toastmasters International

News and Resources


Four female past international presidents of Toastmasters posing in front of flags

News from Toastmasters International

Women in Toastmasters Milestone

Paul Sterman

Laptop, tablet, and smartphone with what's new on screens

News from Toastmasters International

News and Resources


Cartoon woman with talk bubbles above her head

News from Toastmasters International

Introducing the Yoodli Partnership

Laura Mishkind

Man in blue suit jacket smiling

News from Toastmasters International

Introducing Kevin Snyder, Accredited Speaker

Peggy Beach, DTM

Multiple Toastmaster magazine covers from 2022

News from Toastmasters International

Top 10 Articles of 2022

Shannon Dewey

Laptop, tablet, and smartphone with what's new on screens

News from Toastmasters International

News and Resources


A black and white image of past Toastmasters International president Ian B. Edwards

News from Toastmasters International

In Memory of Ian B. Edwards

Stephanie Darling

Laptop, tablet, and smartphone with what's new on screens

News from Toastmasters International

News and Resources


Video camera on tripod with lens facing viewer

News from Toastmasters International

Meet the 2022 Video Speech Contest Winners

Paul Sterman

Gold Distinguished Toastmaster pin

News from Toastmasters International

The Path to Your DTM


Three circles with different men giving speeches and using hand gestures at world championship of public speaking

News from Toastmasters International

Meet the 2022 World Championship Winners
